I am a painter

translating the sight of earth water sky and light into color texture shapes layers lines of paint

my work creates a visual vocabulary, an elusive calligraphy, a language

combining visual discovery and the spontaneity of paint on canvas to communicate

a reverence for fleeting details

capturing a single moment in the natural world

Kathryn Maher’s oil paintings pluck the viewer from the mundane, racing, complicated world and transports them to an experience of wonder and quiet exhilaration.  The paintings transcend narrative, and roll over the viewer, evoking a memory or new discovery of the man made and natural world. Her paint movement and markings create an energy as they contrast controlled lighting and quiet color choices. Whether triggered by the calligraphy of power lines cutting through the sky, a patchwork of asphalt on a city street, layers of graffiti on a building, or a brocade of rust coloring a long forgotten tool, her work suggests the reality of time while inviting the viewer to experience a moment of beauty.